Green Links  

Green Links




Business Development Center (BDC) EDAMA German Jordanian University Azraq local community


24 Months

Launching date

September 2023


On Going

Program Goal

Increased sustainable resource partnerships, innovative green solutions, and inclusive livelihood services in the energy-water-food nexus in Azraq and Zarqa. 



Program Activities

  • Manage the participatory design of a circular economy strategy for Azraq Camp and Zarqa in cooperation with Syrian refugee volunteers and student green researchers and entrepreneurs
  • Develop a pipeline of 15 project initiatives to increase utilisation of green innovative approaches across the energy-water-food nexus
  • 3 Design and print skills and operational (health and safety) manuals and guidance products for knowledge transfer to workers in the energy -water -food nexus

About Us

The Climate Action Association (CAN) is a nonprofit Jordanian environmental NGO that was established with national no: (2013012200016) according to the Societies’ law No (51) of 2008 and its amendments on 16th April 2013. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment. It is based in Amman, Jordan.

CAN @ 2023. All Rights Reserved

Climate Action Network Jordan (CAN)