2023 – 2028; Strategic Plan

Forging Ahead

CAN commission a strategic plan to guide the organization on strategic objectives for the next five years.

The strategic plan will guide and inform our development and funding partners, investors, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders of the work we are doing and foster strong linkages and partnerships with them to achieve maximum results and impact. It will also set out a clear framework for accountability, and mechanisms of achieving the stated objectives as well as ensuring that the sustainable impact of our programs will be measured, critiqued, and/or appreciated.

About Us

The Climate Action Association (CAN) is a nonprofit Jordanian environmental NGO that was established with national no: (2013012200016) according to the Societies’ law No (51) of 2008 and its amendments on 16th April 2013. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment. It is based in Amman, Jordan.

CAN @ 2023. All Rights Reserved

Climate Action Network Jordan (CAN)