Jordan – Deliver policy analysis and recommendations on SLCP mitigation

Jordan – Deliver Policy Analysis And Recommendations On SLCP Mitigation


The Climate and Clean Air Coalition- UN Environment Programme


Jordan Ministry of Environment


21 Months

Launching date

November 2023


On Going

Program Goal

The aim of this project is to support Jordan’s Ministry of Environment in identifying priority SLCP mitigation measures to be included in Jordan’s revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). This will build on previous CCAC projects including a draft national short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) action plan.

The Government of Jordan endorses the policy analysis and recommendations on SLCP mitigation measures.

Program Activities

The main deliverables of this project are: 

1) Conduct consultation workshop aim at stakeholders mapping, conceptualization and inclusive understanding of the assignment with Ministry of Environment, actors, & research organizations.
2) Perform situational analysis of the enabling environment for SLCP mitigation in Jordan
3) Conduct SLCP modelling and emission, impacts and benefits estimation as necessary
4) Conduct one literature review, 10 Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and 20 Key Informant Interviews (KII) aim at the identification of mitigation measures to reduce the SLCP and the set of prioritization criteria.
5) Conduct consultation workshops, each focus on one SLCP, to prioritize the identified SLCP mitigation measures per SLCP with relevant stakeholders.
6) Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan on the government endorsement and commitment toward the identified mitigation measures with the Ministry of Environment
7) Endorse the done policy analysis and recommendations on SLCP mitigation measures through high-level meetings
8) Finalize the final report that include the policy analysis and recommendations on SLCP mitigation measures
9) Conduct a workshop to disseminate the report findings
with different stakeholders

About Us

The Climate Action Association (CAN) is a nonprofit Jordanian environmental NGO that was established with national no: (2013012200016) according to the Societies’ law No (51) of 2008 and its amendments on 16th April 2013. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment. It is based in Amman, Jordan.

CAN @ 2023. All Rights Reserved

Climate Action Network Jordan (CAN)